Matthew Session 7
Jesus’ vision for life in the Kingdom of Heaven is rooted in God’s ultimate blessing of his people.
Jesus’ vision for life in the Kingdom of Heaven is rooted in God’s ultimate blessing of his people.
Matthew has shown Jesus as the embodiment of Life in the Kingdom of Heaven through his surrender (repentance) to the Father’s will, resisting temptation and evil in the wilderness, and calling the disciples to renounce their old ways of life.
Matthew continues his stories of Jesus’ modeling life in the Kingdom of Heaven in repentance, or surrender, in his baptism, resisting temptation and evil, and now renunciation of our old ways.
Matthew introduced Jesus as the Promised King and Messiah. While doing so, he raised the question, “Who is the true Israel?” by exploring Herod as king, John as prophet, and the Pharisees and Sadducees as priests.